I've been meaning to blog for several days however life is busy and so it goes. :) Nothing terribly earth shattering to report other than the fact that D and I are in rather regular training and somedays it goes well and other days are a bit more
interesting. :) On Wednesday there was a lot going on and D expressed his concern with a pretty good buck but thankfully my
heels were down and I was sitting up straight so I mostly looked cool. :) When he reacted a second time I moved to the other end of the arena.
D and Gracie have been hanging out a lot. She hangs out in the stall with him and runs all around without affecting him a whole lot. I am hoping her antics will start to de-sensitize himto some of the random noises that occur around in the barn. We shall see...
Once we get fencing figured out she'll spend time outside with him as well which I'm hoping will help with her energy level- we've created a bit of a monster- she is SUCH a happy goat. So that I don't bore anyone I will end here since I don't really have anything relevant to say. Enjoy the photos.
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