The first week back in the saddle I rode 5 days in a row before giving him Sunday and Monday off. Now, we're averaging 98 degrees here in SC so I was staying on an average of 20 minutes but the consistency was starting to improve his movement. I still struggled w/a lot of pain which actually still hurts :( but we'll get there.
It hasn't been easy. Demetrias has always insisted I do things "correctly" meaning he doesn't give me any breaks or cooperate until I get the cues exact. This is a good thing but frustrating at the same time. He also has a short attention span and so activity in the ring is good but makes me have to be "on" even more. Despite the heat, he has a lot of impulsion and the majority of it is to go up instead of forward. :)
This past Tuesday after being back in work for now 3 weeks we started getting back to the normal walls- its uncomfortable for him to be round to the left which means I get pulled a lot. So, we have a mission. I need to sit down and drive him as well as give him a rein to move into. I think I'm explaining that right. I probably also need to let him blow off some big time energy :) I just wish he would go forward rather than up... sigh.
So thats how we're doing under saddle as for the eyes... thats a little different. I'm not entirely sure where he is on pain. I think he is in pain but he's managing. I put him back on aspirin because I feel like it can't hurt, Dr. W had recommended it before we started all the Banamine and it seems to help him a bit. So, meds are stopping which gives me some freedom on being there everyday. I love him but the 7 days a week since March unless one of my girls covers me, gets exhausting.
The next few weeks will be a trial run for how he feels and acts. NC State recommended he be completely off meds (other than aspirin) for a bit to see how the implant kicks in and how he handles it since the implant is supposed to keep the flare- ups down giving me freedom from constant medicine application and purchasing. I am still not sure how to feel with everything... I am trying quite hard to take each day as it comes, enjoying my time with him while I have it. This is much easier said than done but we are in unchartered waters and for now, we have paddles...
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