We arrived at the barn early and once again suited D up in his shipping boots. He still walked hilariously but after checking the trailer out a few times, he bumps his head on stuff now, almost as if he's getting the dimensions. He trusts me but seems to want to do that first. After doing that and going sideways a few times he stepped up into the 2 horse step-up trailer as if it were nothing and started munching on his hay. Phew! Huge obstacle out of the way.
4.5 hours and many songs on the radio w/ Shady later we arrived for our appointment. This time D would be seeing Dr. G who happens to be the head of ophtho.
D was examined and his left eye was declared not worthy of the implant. His left eye, despite the heavy medicine therapy was worse than when they saw it in April. That was tough to swallow but I tried to remind myself that my hope the entire time had been for one viable eye. One eye was so much easier than dealing w/complete blindness.
The good news? His right eye was a candidate for the implant surgery and they were pretty sure they could do the surgery w/him standing up based on his excellent, quiet behavior. This was excellent for many reasons. First it would make the surgery cheaper. Second, it took the risk of complications especially with colic down considerably. Third, it made his recovery time much quicker.
The scariest thing for D that day was the floors again and getting shavings into his stall- he didn't hear the guy come in and got startled. However, once they were in he was thrilled with them. After making sure all of his needs were known I headed to Christa's and Shady and Roger made the long drive home.
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